Pearl Panickar
Pearl Panickar is a certified yoga instructor under the tutelage of her guruji Raj Pandey in Adelaide (Kaurna country) at the Raj Kriya and Traditional Yoga School. She has practised yoga for over 25 years and has also studied meditation techniques at the Osho ashram in Pune, India. She is of South Indian heritage and has inherited Hindu and Christian philosophies in her upbringing.
During the week, Pearl teaches in Business at university, having completed postgraduate study, including a doctorate in economics and a masters in entrepreneurship. She loves singing, gardening, writing, and having fun in water. She brings a philosophy of mindlessness to her work and her life. In her yoga practice, this means dropping the mind and joining with the universal consciousness.
This is also the aim of her yoga teaching. Her classes included asanas in the Iyenger tradition, and kundalini, kriya and meditation practice as instructed by Yoga Acharya Raj Pandey. Yoga is a daily practice and a way of life. When you come to Pearl’s classes,remember to bring your sense of humour and a childlike sense of wonder and delight. Om Namah Shivay.